As I drove out of Greensboro today, I couldn't help but think that goodbyes are such lonely, sad rites of passage. Part of life, and yet dreadful. Who knows when you will see someone again, if ever. I get so sentimental. My roommates will be off to all corners of the world this summer (literally), and even when they come back, Brittany and Leah won't be my roommates anymore. I can't help but think about all the people who are changing. Cammy's moving to LA. Mary's getting married and moving to Asheville. Lydia and Alex are getting married. Andrew and Katherine are getting married and moving to a new town. Laura will be who knows where. Em Gar will move to Columbia (not SC). Em Wat will study in Scotland all year. Brittany graduate in December and will move to Alabama. Laura Jo will graduate early, and who knows where she'll go. David will be studying abroad. Adam is transferring to App. This isn't even my Senior year and people are going all sorts of places. It's like this every semester. College isn't ever constant, each semester brings a totally new dynamic. Just when I start to get used to how things are, and to love the rhythm, it all changes again. I sound so melancholy and whiny. I don't mean to, it's just that I get used to people, and I like them, so I want them to stay around me forever. I know that God is the one constant that I can depend on. He's the only one who will never change, never move.
In college, friends become family because they share your experiences, and your life, but now I see that I have a year left and my little makeshift family will be shoving off into the big world, the real world, spreading their wings to do great things. It's funny because when I am mid-semester, I am so ready to graduate and when things come to an end, I get so sad about it. I am excited and yet I am sad to think about college coming to an end. Over and over the Bible tells us to number our days and make the most of our time. I hope that I do.
I think that God comes quietly to hold my heart and say, "Don't be fooled. College days are not the best days of your life. The best is yet to come. You hear that college is as good as it gets, and wouldn't that stink, because you have years to come. I have promised good to you, take heart. "
PS. The time on these posts is wack and I cannot fix it so it says the right time. For example, it says it's 8, but really it's 11. Go figure.
Currently Listening to: Working Title, Heart (Unplugged).
Currently craving: Smores.
I have missed a lot of your posts, because I no longer get emails from Xanga telling me you have a new one. Sad story. :( I need to catch up (but not tonight).
However, I wanted to tell you... the time thing on mine is wack too. haha. So... I decided to put the time on the bottom on mine myself. heehee :p
I love you Miss. Emily! I am so looking forward to spending time with you this summer!
Do not fret about me and Alex. We are getting married, but we will both still be around - in Greensboro and at IV. :)
I know what you mean though... Change can be hard, hurt, and surely make you feel strange.
It can be beautiful too though (especially when you learn and are reminded of things like what you have been reminded of - about God being your Constant).
I love that the best is yet to come. :) How exciting!! Thrilling even! :D
Don't worry. I, your wife, will never leave you!
But I know how you feel. A bunch of my friends are running away and leaving me or just changing things in their life. I feel like things change so quickly and often at this stage in our lives...
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