Monday, May 12, 2008


I sent out an email to the chapter to tell them what they needed to know about Rockbridge and it apparently had very many typos and I'm so embarrassed! I am normally so meticulous and careful about my syntax and grammar and Adam was telling me about my mistakes and how funny it was because it was me and I was like maaaan! And then it got worse because he was like, "this was my favorite mistake!" and I was like...I made so many mistakes, you have a favorite! I guess I pride myself on doing well linguistically and I clearly was brainless when I sent the email. Now, I've developed a sense of humor about it but at first I was like...

That was the random pointless story of the week. (: Now for my sermon notes!

May 11, 2008-1 Corinthians 13- Greg

Cultural context: Corinthians placed a high value on productivity, what they could see immediately.

chapter 13- rebuke on hierarchy of life

We base our value on the growth of our ministry, spiritual gifts, etc, but it means nothing.

v 11. still functioning as a child
v12. talking about Heaven

Everything will seem small when we get to Heaven, but love.
Faith and hope are vehicles to love.

When we get to Heaven, faith and hope will no longer be necessary.

"Heaven: a world of love." - Jonathan Edwards

-God offers His full heart without reservation to me.
When we make people the weight of our soul (to give us unconditional love), we crush them.

-It is irrational to long for something never experienced this side of heaven

Viseo Dei (face of God): Only place to find life, but sin has caused us to be unable to encounter that.

-Behavioral modification doesn't fix sin, sin is a poison in your blood.

Clouds, though beautiful and designed by God, cannot support the weight of a person, though they look like you could run all over them, they are like false infinites that we try to place the weight of our soul on.

Passions and longings aren't bad, but they should be pointed towards God.

"The people who are the most heavenly minded, will do the most earthly good."- CS Lewis

Currently listening to: Mayday Parade
Currently feeling: Hungry, (but no worries because Brittany and I are making Spiderman mac and cheese)and excited about Rockbridge. Also, sleepy.
Currently needing to: Write devotionals for camp
Currently wanting to: knit and watch a movie
real time: 2:05

1 comment:

Lydia Christie said...

I enjoyed this!
All of it!
Even your cute little "Currently's" and "real time"!
I hope you have sooo much fun at Rockbridge Emily! (I know you will!)