Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I am watching soccer with Josh (he's using me for my cable)

I guess really this is a follow up to my post yesterday. God is so gracious. Last night I got a phone call from Taylor and Oceana and Asiaha. Taylor called and was like "Hey Emily, what are you doing?" I cannot tell you how excited I got. She was like, "We're all here (minus my little Lesli)." And little fifth grade voices yelled, "Hi Emily."

I got off the phone and cried because God was very gently reminding me not to give up. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. Those kids are the whole reason I want to teach. They called me up and I was reminded of how dear they are and how absolutely excited I get to spend time with them and hear about their lives.

I went and talked to the education department today. We'll see what happens.


If you debate for a second when God has spoken, it is all up. Never begin to say, "I wonder if He did speak?" Be reckless immediately, fling it all out on Him. You do not know when His voice will come, but whenever the realization of God comes in the faintest way imaginable, recklessly abandon. It is only by abandon that you recognize Him. You will only realize His voice more clearly by recklessness. - Oswald Chambers, June 18.

current time: 3:45 PM

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