Monday, June 16, 2008

Dear Monday, no one likes you.

Productivity is calling my name, but I am going to stave it off (1-2-3) a little longer.

This weekend was so good. I loved going home. It consisted of shopping trips with the power shopper Lindy and surprisingly, Dad came along. I can't even keep up with Lindy at the mall. I don't really even like the mall all that much. But I went and so did Dad, so we kept each other while Lindy zoomed from rack to rack, store to store.

Oooh, we roasted marshmallows on the barbecue. I just really wanted a s'more. So I began by roasting it over the stove and Mom wasn't a fan, so she said, why don't we go outside. We did. My s'more was delicious.

I worked on my quilt a bit. I'm not very good at sewing. It takes me a long time and I spend a lot of that time ripping out seams, but that's how you learn, I guess.

When I got back to Greensboro, I went with Katie and Lindsay to Foust Park AKA, the Salad Bowl and studied while listening to live jazz. I love doing things like that. It was like Greensboro was welcoming me back.

Only a few more days of summer school; I will miss it, I think.

[I just made jello.]

And now, for what you've all been waiting:

"The Breakfast Peach"

current time: 3:13

currently listening to: The Wannadies, You and Me
currently craving: fruit salad and a hamburger, isn't that summer-y?
currently wishing for: a guitar tuner, rain storms and mail besides the electricity bill
currently reading: Marianne Moore, Anne of Green Gables, Hosea

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