I was at Dayna's earlier this afternoon to take Sugar on a walk. We walked to the park where the beautiful community garden is. It's so exciting to see plants growing there, since spring break GUPies in 2007 helped begin to get things ready for it. There were kids playing and as soon as they saw us, they yelled, "A puppy!" and ran over. I never realized what a kid magnet dogs were. So anyways, this little girl came up to me and was standing very close to me carrying on a conversation. I don't have personal space, so I didn't mind, I just notice when other people don't either, if that makes sense. I asked her her name, and she told me about 3 names. I don't remember her actual name, which was really pretty, just the nicknames, "Pooh Bear" and "Samantha". She told me that when she grew up she wanted to be an artist. She told me that I should put a picture of my Grandma in my locket. (I'm sitting here smiling in the coffee shop while I write this. I can't help it.) One little girl showed me how to hoolahoop. She could do 3 at a time. I can barely do one. Something to work on, I guess. One tried to get me to play ping pong with her, which would have been no fun for her...or me really. I missed the day in school where we worked on hand eye coordination. One little girl was afraid of Sugar, which was the craziest thing ever to me, since Sugar is rather small as dogs go.
There's really no point to this, only that my park excursion made me pretty happy and I thought I would make note of it.
[Sunflower from the community garden]
currently listening to: Peter, Bjorn and John, Young Folks
current real time: 5:00
currently feeling: sickly
currently eating: raspberry muffin and coffee of the day
currently about to: study for the praxis which I take on Saturday
Thank you for this, those are the kind of days or moments that you want to see and experience and remember, I have been so focused on work and other things that I have not had something like that in a while.
Oh look at that flower, Thats a nice flower!
I think CRJ told you we saw the Sugar dog on MIB. Except the Sugar dog on MIB talked. I am not really sure how he did it, but he did. Does Sugar talk? Maybe he has a cinema career in his future - that could be exciting.
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