Monday, October 19, 2009

Today I collected my students' journals.

I was going to go the Green Bean to grade all these journals, but several problems arose:

1. I don't really feel well enough to ever leave my house again, plus it's cold outside which also makes me want to hibernate.

2. I would have to carry 28 journals into the coffee shop.

3. When I grade my students' work, I tend to laugh out loud.

Here are some examples of why I have the best job in the world (see also: reasons why Emily laughs while grading student work...):

(The third one makes me laugh really hard.) I had them draw a vocabulary word. Anyways, I am going to sleep for a week and grade some journals.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

oh my gosh, these are amazing. what better definition of "lechery" would you ever need?