Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saying Yes.

It's me and ninja cat here. We hang out a lot these days.

I am reading a book by Ann Kiemel, called Yes. I just read the first chapter called "Saying Yes to Loneliness."

It was like reading my own brain. She is so articulate. She says, "I didn't want to be a speaker and writer and world-changer." She goes on to say that she wants to be a wife and a mother. She talks of being lonely as a kid, and as a college student and how as a teacher, she didn't know how to interact with the other teachers because she was so different than them. She didn't want to be alone, but being alone was what God had called her to for the time being.

This is going to sound funny but last night I had a dream that I was pregnant. It was a dream full of excitement and family and hope for the future. When I woke up, I was so disappointed that it wasn't real. I kept rubbing my stomach to make sure that it wasn't real. Of course, I can assure you with utmost certainty that it was only a dream, but it was so nice. I was disappointed to wake up before the baby came.

It seems as though people are living the dream. The get married, having beautiful children dream. But you know what? I am also living a dream and I have a good life.

Granted, I have to eat an entire bag of popcorn by myself. I can do it, because I am a bottomless pit, but I like to share.

Seriously though, I am so blessed to have a little cat, and house and friends and a wonderful job where I get to interact with precious children on a daily basis. No one intrudes here unless I let them. That is a gift and a curse.

Oh, to have a heart that joyfully says yes to whatever situation the Lord places me in.

Now I think I'll watch Friends because it makes me laugh.

currently listening to: A Save Situation, The Format
currently eating: apple pie, made by me!

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