Friday, October 30, 2009

Today I came home and changed sweaters. Mr. Rogers? Is that you?

This day marks my having taught for a month. Today I had an experience that reminded me of how blessed I am to have the students that I have. My neighbor, Mrs. C teaches ESL and she asked me to start her class off so she could run quickly to do something. I was more mean in that class in the seven minutes I was in there than I have been in the entire month that I have taught both of my classes. I forgot how it felt. I mean, it was delightful to get in a student's face and say "What did I just say about adverbs?" but really, who wants to have to be a jerk? It takes grammar Nazi to a whole new level. I had a student in that class who is also in my first period and he just sat there in disbelief over the teacher terror that I had become.

Ohhh, I love my kids.

Also today, my students' college counselor came and spoke to them, and they started freaking out. Not only did I have a student offer to bake me cookies, I had my entire class ask if they could start a Ms. Jackson sponsored club so they could pad their resumes. They consistently keep me laughing.

currently listening to: swing life away, rise against


Jeremy said...

Mr Rogers is a beloved childhood mentor. I hope you weren't insulting him.

so was it changing from a business casual sweater into a regular casual sweater?

Megan said...

I want to belong to your fan club to pad MY resume!!! I will discuss this with your students when I sit in on your class one day :)

Leah said...

can i please be the employee that i am and say START AN INVISIBLE CHILDREN CLUB!!! it'll look baller on their resumes AND it'll help kids in ugaaanda.