Monday, October 5, 2009

Loneliness and Change

I have now completed day three of teaching. I have also moved into my house. Thus far living is everything I thought it would be: boring, lonely and isolating. But I have plenty of extroverted friends who assure me it grows on them, so I am hoping that in a few weeks I will feel adjusted. I feel so in between in the friend department currently. I’m not a college student, and I’m not married/dating anyone which are the categories my friends seem to fall into these days. I hate seeming needy. I have trying to get in touch with people because I’m all by myself. I grow so weary of always taking care of myself, but this is adulthood. A little old lady at the bank today told me her life story today and it was the most delightful thing ever because someone was talking to me as an equal. I really enjoy my students so far. I created a seating chart today after class because I had a little too much talking. Hopefully this will nip it in the bud. If it doesn’t, I will have the joy of calling parents. The past three days have been a little frustrating because I’m still not quite in the system and so I can’t even get on my computer. I’m sure in a few weeks, this too will work itself out.

I know that this is just an adjustment. I am so blessed to have a beautiful little house and a cat. I am so blessed to be employed. I am just feeling very unsettled, I guess.

I am sure that at the end of this experience I will be Emily Jackson, adult extraordinaire.

Antidote of the day:

Today I wore an outfit kind of like Zooey Deshchanel in 500 Days of Summer. You know like this:

I looked cute.

Today was also Blast From the Past day because it's spirit week. When I was taking attendance today, one of my students said, "Oh, you're dressed up today too!" I denied it and the whole class burst out laughing. It was funny. And I'm pretty sure I blushed. But seriously, you can't not laugh at that.


katiemt said...

hey tootse, trust me, it will change. the adjustment is just something that has to happen. and i'm not just whistling dixie at you...i'm speaking from experience! =) i love and miss you very much and you are going to be a BRILLIANT teacher and soon you are going to love coming home to your thoughts and your cat :)

Megan said...

hahaha that is awesome. And I bet your outfit was way cute :)