Friday, September 18, 2009

Due 10/9/2009: Let's get reading!

Here's a list of books check out at the library. I am very excited and hope to read them all. Go, speed reader, go!

The Knight of Maison-Rouge, Alexandre Dumas

The House on the Strand, Daphne Du Maurier

Notes From Underground, Fyodor Dostoevky

House of Sand and Fog, Andre Dubus III (I hit the D section a little hard.)

The Essential Haiku, edited by Robert Hass

Love in the time of Cholera, Gabriel Garcia Marquez

On the Road, Jack Kerouac


Jeremy said...

mmmm on the road has been on my book list all summer, it's just never in the library when i go.

also, let me know how the house of sand and fog is, i thought about checking that one out.

good luck speed reader

grace said...

may the force be with you! you'll loveeeeee notes from underground. :)

Megan said...

I'm gonna read On the Road too!!! I meant to read it in the Spring, and now that I finished the Time Traveler's Wife, it's next on the queue. yay!