This week I applied to several school positions dealing with ESL, only to learn that I needed to get a special license to teach ESL. I began to research a program to get properly certified, and found one at NC State that would take a semester. I excitedly began to read over the requirements to get into the program for next semester only to find this:
Licensure applicants must have studied the equivalent of at least two semesters of college-level foreign language and must have received a grade of "C" or higher.
That's a problem. Unfortunately I took Spanish my first year of college. My first year of college I had no business being in school, and as it would turn out I have a C and D in Spanish. I don't think that will cut it.
I feel like every door is slamming in my face. I guess getting a D in Spanish is my fault, but it's more than that. I called my high school this week because I was trying to sub with them to find out why I hadn't heard anything, only to be receive an email later by my favorite teacher ever telling me that they had lost all my information. How does this happen? Or rather why?
Over and over this summer, I have thought about Queen Ester. She boldly did what she thought she was supposed to do next. She didn't know the outcome, but she moved ahead anyway. It's like that with so many people in the Bible. We forget that as we read from verse to verse, it could be days and years of agony for God's Beloved. And maybe it wasn't agonizing to choose to trust God for them, maybe they were just magic, but I really doubt it.
This is real life, I reckin'.
And so I leave you with a question: Do hair curlers work, because I might invest in some.
currently listening to: Dice, Finley Quaye & William Orbit [Bonus points if you know what episode of the OC this is off of. HINT: It's my favorite of the first season.]
currently reading: On The Road, Jack Kerouac
current favorite facet of the internet: SKYPE
currently craving: (yes, I do photograph my food.)
I think you are wonderful for doing ESL at church and finding ways to be involved in the things of God, even though you are at a rough patch right now. Keep going, lovely!
I like curling irons better than curlers because you have more control. But that's just me.
I should KNOW the bonus question! But alas, I do not.
Once I finish the book I'm reading, it's off to Kerouac! Huzzah!
you know em, i was just thinking the same thing this morning - i wish you were closer so we could have a cup of tea and share....ah the difficulties of an ocean. maybe one day. but yeah, just know that i am thinking of you too and your writings are such a fountain of encouragement to me too!! much love.
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