Monday, January 4, 2010

First Day Back: Oh boy!

I made myself make a list of Things to be Grateful for on a First Day Back:

1. My classroom was warm when I got there.
2. There wasn't a line for the printer this morning.
3. I have a job.
4. My students are entertaining and ridiculous.
5. I had a good lesson to teach today.
6. I had a good chat with a fellow teacher and realized that we had mutual friends.

Today I accidentally said "sex" in class, which of course resulted in a riot of sorts. What I was trying to say was "next six days" and it came out "nes sex blah blah" and all my student heard was "SEX" which caused them to laugh for three minutes while I just stood there waiting for everything to calm down. And also I used the wrong effect/affect even though I know better. Oops. But other than that I made it through my first day back, and I even enjoyed it.

Hurray for one more Monday down!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds exciting !