Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Promise of Hopes Met

The other day as I drove down the road toward Wake Forest, I was thinking about my precious students. I have not yet learned to leave my work at home in the respect, although I never really get to leave my work at home because planning and grading seem to never be done. I'm not complaining though, I like to plan thus far. As I learn more and more about my students (that they have babies, or are on drugs, or are homeless or have terrible heartbreaks (as do we all, some greater than others. some at younger ages than others)) I cannot help sometimes but to be burdened down.

I drove down the road, mulling all this over-- pondering the lives of the various children that God has placed in my classroom when this song began to play: The First Noel/ Mary Mary

Suddenly I realized that redemption for each of my students was in the birth and death of God made flesh in Jesus Christ. A favorite of mine, CS Lewis wrote in his book Miracles that "He comes down; down from the heights of absolute being into time and space, down into humanity; down further still, . . . to the very roots and seabed of the Nature He has created. But He goes down to come up again and bring the whole ruined world up with Him."

That is a strength to hope in. He is making all things new, singing over creation and in hearts, calling people to himself. Here was the hope that my students seek in their hearts as the run from the empty to the empty. Hope is not found in me, nor in my worrying over them. Hope, for me and for them, is only found in Christ and hope is found in my bringing them to his throne in prayer. (Just like their mamas should be doing.) Hope is found in prayer that Christ will take hold of their hearts and bring them to Heaven one day.

"O Little Town of Bethlehem" reminds us that The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.

I hope that you are delighted as your hopes and fears are met in Christ this Christmas and as you continue to walk in his light this year.


My two favorite Christmas moments this year are as follows:

1. Linden begged Dad to call her new phone so she could hear her ring tone. Dad called it several time and then proceeded to dance wildly around the kitchen. Lindy and Dad say it's the "best ring tone ever."

2. Last night I had a terrible time sleeping. I had a fever and I couldn't stop coughing. Mom came and made me take medicine at 4 which had something in it to help me sleep. Needless to say, when Chels and Lindy came to get me at 7 or 8, I was out cold. I was super groggy, but I do vaguely remember cold fingers on my neck and hearing Lindy tell Chelsea that she was "taking my pulse."

1 comment:

Kristi said...

beautiful, Em. love the C.S. Lewis quote. can't wait to see you soon!