Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A list: for your viewing pleasure

1. Tomorrow I am 23 and I bought my students cookies. Although this seems twisted, and they should buy me cookies, I hate to make a big deal about my birthday and so I didn't even tell them that tomorrow is THE BIG DAY.

2. Every time my students ask if I have a boyfriend, I tell them it's personal, even though I don't really think it is. What I do think is that little boys can't really handle that kind of information.

3. One of my second period boys thinks it's funny to joke about stealing my coffee. What he doesn't know is that if that were to happen, things would rapidly become un-funny for him.

4. I have a student who gives me an evil look every day as he walks into the classroom and every day I still cheerfully greet him. Today I wasn't standing in the doorway, so he waited for me outside of the classroom until I was back at the door so he could give me his look and come in. Apparently it's our thing.

5. My first period girls told me today that they were at Ham's and the waiter was cute. They asked me if next time I wanted them to get his number for me.

6. One of my students told me that he gives me a difficult time so in the succeeding years my job will seem easier. How sweet...

7. Today my class was harassing one of my problem children, and I told them to leave him alone because he was a "good kid." My students were shocked by these words coming out of my mouth.

8. Today one of my students gave me a college recommendation form to fill out for him. It blows my mind that I can write a college recommendation and his fate is in my hands.

9. Today two of my kids asked me if I'd heard the song "Meet Me Halfway" by the Black Eyed Peas. I said that I hadn't, and they proceeded to sing it for me, with motions and told me to listen to it later. Unfortunately, when I did, I preferred the student version.

10. I obviously work with the strangest, best children in the world.

PS. I would like to ask for prayer for a situation at work which I shall not yet disclose to the blogosphere until it has resolution. But please ask for God's will to be done and for peace with whatever that is. God knows my heart, and we will see what happens.


Veronica said...

1. I love lists.
2. I love you.

chadcurrin said...

hahahaha your kids are hilarious and always entertaining

Kristi said...

"meet me halfway" plays all the time in Scotland and I thought it was a British song for a really long time until I realized it was the Black Eyed Peas. I really hate it too. and whoa, college recommendations. Doesn't it feel like we were just asking for those ourselves?!