Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I graduate a month from today.

Graduation is eminent. I am wayyyy excited. I have two more weeks of student teaching. The good news about that is that I am done with my full teach, so the last two weeks will be spent observing other teachers, stealing as many instructional tools as possible, and saying goodbye. I think I am ready. But for now, I will continue to enjoy spring break. I have been very productive today, I would like to say.

Eye exam: check
Called landladies: check
Job interview: check
Bride's maid dress bought: check

I had planned to lie on the couch and continue with being sick, but time waits for no [wo]man.

We've gotten out of our lease early, so we'll be moving out by the end of May. I will have to say goodbye to my favorite city because I am moving back home for the summer. Or maybe for longer... If all goes well, I will begin nannying on May 4th in Raleigh. So these next two weeks will be spent soaking up as much Greensboro as possible. And we'll see where God puts me in August. Maybe back in Greensboro, maybe in Raleigh, maybe somewhere entirely new. For now my prayer is that God will put me where I'm supposed to be. I will also pray that I get a cup of coffee with everyone who's very important before I go.

and I'd like also to put this on your radar: Tax Day Tea Party [April 15th 2009] because I believe that contrary to popular belief, spending more money doesn't get people out of debt.

And now I think I'll go quilt.

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