Friday, January 7, 2011

I have always had high expectations for myself. When I don't feel as though I am doing a good job, my first thought is that I should just stop. I don't really think of this as a quitter's mentality, because I do things with my whole heart. I have always been my hardest critic. This is one reason I have really struggled with my job lately. I've wondered if I am in the right place. More than anything, I want to do a good job. I once wrote this poem:

Why I Became a Teacher

I am in charge of light bulbs,
of fireflies, and small stars

I direct whispers,
half wishes and shy smiles

to ignite wild fires.

And that is what I want to do: ignite wild fires in children's hearts and minds. But I've written a new poem:

Year Two

The power isn't there.
Not to inspire,
not to love boldly,
not to bravely enter their space
day in and day out.

I can't remember why this grew here.
This dream that is now a half-hearted hope that this matters.

The good thing is that I do know where the power comes from.


grace said...

Emily....I have always loved your honest vulnerability. And even more so now. Thank you for these words. Love ya! : )

Nathaniel Miller said...

Wow. That's really good. Can't wait for the next verses, even if they are somber. They feel like they're leading to something beautiful.

Truthfully Thinking said...

I wish I was in charge of light bulbs

Emily said...

hey friend. i know i'm a bit behind in my blog-readin' but i wanted to share something a friend said today. we were talking about changing our culture for Jesus' culture, and he mentioned someone he heard speak once about just that. Saying that they've eliminated the word, and the possibility of, failure. so then, every day, in everything either we succeed or we learn. there is no "waste of time" no "screw-up", but only learning!