Dear God--
When I live with open hands, I can not only give things up, but accept what you have for me. But right now, I am one frustrated individual. I feel so floaty, so future-less. I am trying very much to keep my hands open. "Nothing I have is yours" so easily slips out when I dearly want to want to say the opposite. I don't want that selfishness to be my heart. I want to keep my hands open, not grasping blindly, desperately to what I think is mine. I am terrified currently. My students aren't mine, my job is non-existent thus far, I have no home for next year, I am not graduating to "marital bliss" and many of my friends will be moving on. Please give me the faith that you will work things out because somehow you live me and somehow you've written me into your grand plan.
currently listening to: Joe Pug, Hymn #101
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