Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Even in this moment there are so many beautiful things:

water heating in my yellow, hand me-down kettle
the blue and white patterned table cloth on my table
given to me by my mother with dreams of a cheerful kitchen
accompanied by the salt and pepper shaker set wrapped in delicate white porcelain leaves
my bold-stripped tiger-cat wildly flicking his tail, blinking
at three daffodils in a jar
the cool, crisp air enveloping me through the open window with only the sounds of passing traffic and
the promise of seeing the people that I love the most


Truthfully Thinking said...

You need a new kettle?

Emily said...

love knowing that it's daffodil time. recently i asked myself, "when will it be daffodil time in greensboro?" and thought about my uncg days and the salad bowl park filled with buttery blossoms.