Please help me to understand and believe the resurrection. Help it to saturate my life and cause radical and passionate living. Please help me to trust in you. Help me trust that you have a plan for me that is unique and vital to your kingdom coming on earth. Sometimes I'm tempted to believe that I am not important or necessary. You delight in using me (even though you don't need any of us people.)and I am part of the body. When I am not functioning as you made me to, the body is disadvantaged, even hurt. Please help me to not be disabled by loneliness. Please provide true community. God, please don't let me be overcome with discouragement. Don't let me forget that our struggle isn't against flesh and blood. Please fight on my behalf. Thank you for who you are, and how you are present in my life, even when I cannot feel you. I want to love you, and I want to love your people well.
Here's one of my drawings from church today.
i love you.
i also love your drawing :)
also, I don't see you enough. the end.
Emily - shameful !!
Oh yea it was a cute drawing..... I like cartoons!
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