Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Today was terrrribbleeee! I can say that now with a smile because I am safely in my bed with my cat.

What got me though, amongst all the downers of today was a gift placed on my desk in 2nd period. I had almost forgotten it.

The card read, "Thanks for everything. I had a great year. I'll make sure to try and stop by next year when I'm in college. I saw this and thought you'd love it to pieces. Also red is a good color for you, so enjoy. You're one in a million and don't you forget that, okay? And I don't say that about a lot of teachers. Sincerely, S."

A note as unorthodox as the girl who placed it on my desk. When I opened the package, there was a shirt. A strange teacher gift, to be sure. The shirt said "nineteen eighty four: George Orwell" and it was made by a company called Out of Print Clothing. For every shirt you buy, they send a book to a community in need. She was right; a concept I love.

And so, dear reader, I can shake off all the bad.

1 comment:

Megan said...

This almost made me cry! I'm not sure why. But I am just so glad you're doing what you're doing.