Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The past 5 days have been really frustrating for me in the classroom. I have had a student drop out because she got pregnant, I have had a three day battle over writing an essay-- which many of my students didn't even bother to turn in and so now they're failing my class, I have found a condom wrapper on my classroom floor, I have kicked kids out, I have stopped teaching and made them read a ten page essay on Romanticism, etc, etc. But even still, in the midst of all this, I have had students make me spit up my water because they are hilarious.

I did an lesson on the differences between the age of reason and romanticism using a Starburst (I take no credit for this creative idea). They had to say the logical thing to do with a Starburst and then say creative things that they could do, thus illustrating the differences between viewing the world through a logical lens or the creative one of the Romantics. So there are these:

If they don't make you laugh, they at least make you say..."What?!"


Megan said...

I am DYING laughing right now. Especially at "talk to it."

Kristi said...

Using it as an adhesive is really kind of logical, when you think about it....