Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to find a husband...or not.

Perhaps you too have been sucked into the show known as The Bachelorette. I knew that watching was as emotionally unhealthy as any other chickflick, but I have now decided that it is possibly the worst way to find a husband, ever. I think that I will not fill my head and heart with so much crap anymore. Sorry Bachelorette, I hope you pick the right one, but I think you're going about it in the wrong way.

Reason number 1:
Forming emotional attachments to many men simultaneously DOES NOT help you to select one man to be your husband.

Reason number 2:
Being physically intimate with many men simultaneously DOES NOT help you to select one man to be your husband.

Reason number 3:
Beginning with a large pool of men and narrowing it down over time does not help build trust with one man. In the end, I think that the guy selected won't be able to help but wonder how things would be if the bachelorette had chosen someone else. He also knows what she did with him before they are married and has a pretty good idea what she did with everyone else. And she might also wonder if she'd chosen someone else, what it would be like. To narrow it down to two guys and to have to pick doesn't inspire confidence in a relationship.

Reason number 4:
All those men are falling in love with one girl, and they surely realize that they will most likely have their hearts broken. And as she lets more and more men go that she's grown attached to, her heart will break, even though she's hypothetically getting closer and closer to the man that is her "soul mate". Is our goal in entering marriage to be as broken as possible?

Reason number 5:
There's no such thing as a soul mate. There is such a thing as commitment and hard work. Just because the bachelorette chooses one man because they are most "souly" compatible, doesn't mean that she couldn't have made a marriage work with any of those other guys with a little elbow grease and date nights.

Currently listening to: Prisoner, Jeffree Star (It's kind of a creepy song, I admit...)


Kristi said...

i confess, i have been drawn to bachelorette world every now and then. I kind of think of it as an interesting psychological study of all the wrong ways to handle romance and love. It's like a horrible, nauseating train wreck--you don't want to look, yet you can't look away...

Emerly Sue said...

That is so true; it's semi-addicting.

Rachel and Matt said...

i'll have you know that you'll be a constant read for me in Alaska. you always have been. I miss you so much and i'm praying for the job placement etc. i love you!